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Main Title Update 03-1

Increase e-comm sales with authentic customer video ads

Shopify Icons New 01-3

AI Logos 01

What Are UGC Title New 01

UGC is brand-specific content created by customers about your products. It is another form of discreet sponsored advertising that appears authentic which can have a significant increase in product sales.

Different Ad Types Title New 01

Physical product ads, testimonial ads, how to ads, honest review ads, unboxing ads, and app promo ads. These act as social proof, building trust and credibility among potential buyers. When customers see positive product reviews from other customers, they are more likely to make a purchase.

Mobile Update Banner Main 03

AI Logos 01

What Are UGC Title New 01

UGC is brand-specific content created by customers about your products. It is another form of discreet sponsored advertising that appears authentic which can have a significant increase in product sales.

Different Ad Types Title New 01

Physical product ads, testimonial ads, how to ads, honest review ads, unboxing ads, and app promo ads. These act as social proof, building trust and credibility among potential buyers. When customers see positive product reviews from other customers, they are more likely to make a purchase.